Spot Trading Fees and Minimum Order Quantity
Spot Trading Fee Standards:
Maker: 0.1%
Taker: 0.1%
Spot Trading Fee Calculation Explanation:
Buy Fee = Buy transaction volume * Fee rate
Sell Fee = Sell price * Sell transaction volume * Fee rate
Example using BTC/USDT:
BTC/USDT Buy Direction: Buying BTC and selling USDT. The fee is charged in BTC.
BTC/USDT Sell Direction: Selling BTC and buying USDT. The fee is charged in USDT.
Note: Fees are charged on the cryptocurrency held after the transaction is completed. No fees are charged for unfilled orders.
[Buy Direction Example]
When buying BTC/USDT (i.e., buying BTC and selling USDT), with the transaction type being Maker (Limit Order) and the transaction volume being 1 BTC, the fee to be paid is:
Buy Fee = Buy transaction volume * Fee rate
Buy Fee to be paid = 1 * 0.1% = 0.001 BTC
[Sell Direction Example]
When selling ETH/USDT (i.e., selling ETH and buying USDT), with the transaction type being Taker (Market Order), the selling price being 4000 USDT, and the transaction volume being 1 ETH, the fee to be paid is:
Sell Fee = Sell price * Sell transaction volume * Fee rate
Sell Fee to be paid = 4000 * 1 * 0.1% = 4 USDT
Minimum Order Quantity for Spot Trading:
Different cryptocurrencies have different minimum order quantities. Please refer to the page for the exact minimum order quantity.
Last updated